Reliable Home Inspections by an Experienced Professional

Mission: “Our mission is to aspire to provide you with the unvarnished truth as we can know it. We don’t “pull any punches”, based on familiarity with any of the parties who might be involved in the inspection – we are working for you.
Credentials & Qualifications:
(click on the image for more information)

California Licensed Professional Engineer. PE.

Certified CREIA Inspector San Diego Chapter President 2019-2020

ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) Inspector.

Certified NADRA (North American Deck & Guardrailing Association) Inspector.

Certified with The Tile Roofing Institute.
- United States Military Academy (USMA) at West PointBS, Engineering Management & Chemistry 1974 – 1978

- Georgia Institute of Technology MS, Analytical Chemistry 1983 – 1985

- Fordham University MBA 1985 – 1988